Climate & Resilience

Building climate resilient health services with sustainable energy.

Climate impacts are already harming health, through air pollution, increases in zoonoses and food, water and vector-borne diseases, extreme weather events, forced displacement, pressures on mental health, and increased hunger and poor nutrition in places where people cannot grow or find sufficient food.

Climate policy and planning.

Our experts help assess your climate risks and opportunities, engage stakeholders, and integrate climate adaptation into your long-term planning and operations.Serious climate action begins with data and methods—and is brought to life through analytical rigor, state-of-the-science approaches, and technical integrity.

Global climate consulting.

Better prepare for existing and future global climate challenges with objective insight, scientifically sound insight and multidisciplinary expertise. Low-carbon action among developed and developing countries alike requires experienced climate diplomacy.

Climate risk assessment.

Our cross-sector consultants combine advanced climate projections and analytics with robust industry knowledge to create targeted assessments into realistic assessments of vulnerability and risk.

Climate communications.

We offer education, awareness and engagement that presents new findings and empowers positive change.We offer proven communication strategies to help you make stakeholders aware of critical issues related to climate, the environment, and energy.

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